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Signature Update #2543
Signature Update #2543
247 new signatures:HIGHHTTP: Typo3 CMS SanitizeLocalUrl Cross-Site ScriptingMEDIUMHTTP: Static HTTP Server ini File Parsing Buffer Overflow1HIGHHTTP: Novell ZENworks Mobile Management Cross-Site ScriptingMEDIUMHTTP: Integard Home and Pro Password Remote Version Check1MEDIUMHTTP: VLC HTTPD Connection Header Format String1HIGHHTTP: Ignite Realtime Openfire group-summary.jsp Cross-Site ScriptingMEDIUMHTTP: ntop Basic Authorization Denial of Service1MEDIUMHTTP: PHPWiki CVE-2014-5519 Ploticus Arbitratu Code Execution1MEDIUMHTTP: Sun Java System Web Server JSP Source Code Disclosure1MEDIUMHTTP: ESTsoft ALZip MIM File Processing Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Maxthon History Cross Site Scripting1MEDIUMHTTP: Digium Asterisk Management Interface HTTP Digest Authentication Stack Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Adobe Flash Player Privilege Escalation1MEDIUMHTTP:Multiple Product XML External Entity Injection1MEDIUMHTTP: Wordpress W3 Total Cache Plugin Remote Code Execution1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft ASP.NET Post Request Parameters Handling Denial of Service1MEDIUMHTTP: Suspicious WIPER/SHAMOON Infected File Download1MEDIUMHTTP: XnView mbm File Parsing Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft Telnet Protocol Handler Insecure Loading1MEDIUMHTTP: Inout Article Base Ultimate Cross Site Request Forgery1MEDIUMHTTP: Sysax Multi Server Function Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Alt-N WebAdmin USER Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Ruby Gem Multiple Wrappers Command Injection1MEDIUMHTTP: Adobe RoboHelp Server SQL Injection Vulnerability1MEDIUMHTTP: Multiple Web Browsers Window Injection1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft .NET Framework Heap Corruption1MEDIUMHTTP: Localhost Host Header in Trans-Internet Request1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft Windows Folder GUID Code Execution1MEDIUMHTTP: Apple CUPS SGI Image Format Decoding imagetops Filter Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Ruby on Rails XML Parameter Parsing Remote Code Execution1MEDIUMHTTP: Easy LAN Folder Share .reg FIle Parsing Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Ruby on Rails JSON YAML Parsing Remote Code Execution1MEDIUMHTTP: Oracle Exploit Kit Angler Java1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft .NET Framework XAML Browser Applications Stack Corruption1MEDIUMHTTP: XAMPP Request Forgery Attempt1MEDIUMHTTP: HP LaserJet Pro Printers Remote Information Disclosure1MEDIUMHTTP: GD Graphics Library PNG Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: Wordpress FGallery Plugin Malicious File Hosting1MEDIUMHTTP: UltraVNC VNCLog Buffer Overflow1MEDIUMHTTP: WireLurker Serial Number Upload Detected1MEDIUMHTTP: ManageEngine Multiple Products FailOverHelperServlet copyfile Information Disclosure1MEDIUMHTTP: Attachmate Reflection FTP Client ActiveX CE1MEDIUMHTTP: ContentKeeper Web Appliance benetool Remote Command Execution1HIGHDNS: ISC BIND openpgpkey Denial of ServiceMEDIUMHTTP: Apple QuickTime JPEG Atom Buffer Overflow 2MEDIUMHTTP: Apple QuickTime JPEG Atom Buffer Overflow 3HIGHHTTP: Microsoft Publisher PLC Objects Remote Code Execution 1HIGHHTTP: Microsoft Publisher PLC Objects Remote Code Execution 2HIGHHTTP: Microsoft Publisher PLC Objects Remote Code Execution 3MEDIUMHTTP: Invalid ANI Block Size Parameter in Stream (2)2MEDIUMHTTP: Invalid ANI Block Size Parameter in Stream (2)3HIGHHTTP: Adobe Flash Player null Reference Memory Corruption1HIGHHTTP: Microsoft PowerPoint 0xFB1 Parsing Buffer Overflow1HIGHHTTP: Adobe Flash Player null Reference Memory Corruption2HIGHHTTP: Adobe Flash Player null Reference Memory Corruption3HIGHHTTP: Microsoft PowerPoint 0xFB1 Parsing Buffer Overflow2HIGHHTTP: Microsoft PowerPoint 0xFB1 Parsing Buffer Overflow3MEDIUMHTTP: Google Chrome HTTP Response Handling Memory Corruption 2MEDIUMHTTP: Google Chrome HTTP Response Handling Memory Corruption 3HIGHHTTP: Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 Buffer Size Validation2HIGHHTTP: Avira Management Console Server HTTP Header Processing Heap Buffer OverflowHIGHDNS: ISC BIND DNSSEC Key Parsing Buffer Denial of ServiceHIGHHTTP: DHTML Object Handling Race Condition1HIGHHTTP: KingView KChartXY.ocx Unsafe ActiveX Control1MEDIUMHTTP: Microsoft IE MHTMLFile NULL De