F5 stärkt die OpenStack Community mit führenden Application Delivery Services

Mit der Integration von OpenStack tritt F5 dafür ein, seine Kunden bei der Implementierung der Cloud-Plattformen ihrer Wahl zu unterstützen - ohne Kompromisse bei der Bereitstellung von Applikationen einzugehen

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Tata Consultancy Services has been appointed as the only Certification Services and Test Provider...
Three quarters (75%) of business-led IT money is spent on innovation, compared to just 25% from the...
Latest addition to storage portfolio caters for criticial workloads that demand...
Andy Burton, who has been a leader in the development of the UK cloud sector, has been appointed as...
Provides the only colocation solution that offers managed services across all top four public cloud...
A Milton-Keynes based company that provides Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) software...
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The most secure data centre in Scandinavia?

Hidden deep in a mountain, Green Mountain’s data centre is cooled by the cold waters of a Norwegian fjord. Working with nature, Green Mountain is saving energy and protecting the environment — leading the way to cutting data centre energy use by a third.

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