A sunny future for wind of change

Google says that it is working toward 24x7 carbon-free energy everywhere it has a data centres. To achieve 24x7 carbon-free energy, Google data centres need to work more closely with carbon-free energy sources like solar and wind.

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InnoVision publication highlights data centre innovation

Data Centre Solutions, published by Digitalisation World owner, Angel Business Communications, is embarking on the next stage in the development of our media portfolio, by revitalising DCS Solutions as a dedicated, quarterly, digital publication – enhancing the data centre coverage which is an ongoing, integral part of our Digitalisation World media platform. Alongside this exciting development, we’re also going to be re-developing our stand-alone DCS Solutions website.

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Play it cool with the digital twin

Streaming movies, playing computer games or finding the latest hidden musical gems are getting easier with each passing year. Just look at the last two months of 2019. We’ve seen the launch of Disney Plus, Google Stadia and Spotify providing its 248 million users with custom made playlists. Powering all of this and more is the hidden force in our internet age – the data center. However, while being a booming industry, all is not quite so rosy for data center businesses. The growth in usage...

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Surrey success for Keysource

Keysource has been chosen to provide critical facilities management for Surrey County Council (SCC) and its partners, following a competitive tender. Under the terms of the two-year deal Keysource will be responsible for two dedicated, purpose built, state of the art data centres operated by the council which provide secure hosting space, applications and infrastructure services to over 8000 users.

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How will data centre infrastructures be affected by the 5G rollout?

The continued growth of the Internet of Things (IOT) depends on ICT infrastructures that can support its data processing and communications bandwidth requirements. Accordingly, 5G, with its ultra-low latency and high transmission rates, has a vital role as an IoT enabler. However, implementing the new standard has major implications for data centres in terms of their size, distribution and internal ICT hardware. In this article, Alex Emms, Operations Director at Kohler Uninterruptible Power...

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Gold for Keysource

Keysource, the data centre design and build specialist, has been announced as a winner in the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards 2020. The company was granted its fifth gold medal award after being commended for its high standards towards health and safety performance.

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New resource shares best practices and emerging technologies to help the industry advance toward...
“Norway has a unique foundation for becoming the world's most attractive data center nation. We...
NTT Communications has launched the Osaka 5 Data Center in the heart of Osaka, NTT Com's fifth...
Future Facilities’ latest software release improves capacity planning and coordination between...
Leading data center containment provider appoints new UK/EMEA Channel Manager, with 25 years IT...
House of Lords dignitary, The Rt Hon. Lord Kenneth Baker, will be making a special guest appearance...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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