InfoVista and Cisco collaborate

InfoVista has announced its support of Cisco Application Visibility & Control (AVC)—part of the Cisco Integrated Services Routers with Application Experience (Cisco ISR-AX)—with the upcoming release of 5View Service Data Manager and 5View NetFlow.

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B. Braun Medical Ltd chooses NextiraOne

New IP Telephony and Contact Centre communications support customer and inter-site communications with high availability solution.

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Shadow IT lurks uncomfortably, for IT departments

The growth in ‘Shadow IT’ is leaving IT departments caught between a rock and a hard place, according to Simon Bain, CTO of search specialists, Simplexo, who suggests that the concerns existing around managing unsupported devices are equally matched by the need to bring IT expenditure in on budget.

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New Multifiber Pushlok Technology enables faster, denser, and more cost-effective deployments.
Netalis, a subsidiary of the NASCA group formed by the merger of multi-regional telecommunication...
To facilitate companies around the world operating cloud environments, BSO now provides secure and...
NTT DATA launches six innovation centres around the world to support its global businesses,...
New portfolio comprises Critical Network Capabilities, Critical Broadband Applications, and...
Standards-based Carrier Ethernet 2.0-based networks are getting faster by an order of magnitude...
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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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