Former GCHQ chief joins Glasswall Solutions

Sir Iain Lobban joins as chair of Glasswall’s influential advisory council – with company gaining major investment boost.

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Dell takes endpoint security to a 'new level'

Dell to incorporate Cylance technology into its Dell Data Protection endpoint security solution.

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Orchestrated threat management

A powerful new combination of big data analytics, intuitive threat visualization, automated learning, and real-time threat intelligence distribution further enhance Wedge Cloud Network Defense™ for agile, assured and orchestrated threat management.

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Global cybersecurity - could do better

International survey of information security professionals identifies cloud, mobile devices and board-level involvement as common areas of weakness across seven key industry verticals.

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Machine learning counteracts insider threat

Imperva has introduced Imperva CounterBreach, a new multi-layered security solution that protects enterprise data from theft and loss due to compromised, malicious and careless users.

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Gemalto partners with NetApp

Deliver integrated cloud storage and data security solution for Amazon Web Services customers.

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The Kaspersky Q2 2020 DDoS attacks report has revealed that the number of DDoS attacks in the...
90% adopting or considering SASE, 74% reallocated funds to cybersecurity among multiple indicators...
Only 30% of consumers believe companies are taking their personal data protection very seriously.
Good’s secure container solution provides the answer for global insurance provider to replace...
34% say their organisation is at risk of security threats due to skills gaps.
Security Services to combat modern cyber security attacks.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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