Disaster Recovery: Mit High Performance Virtual Servern und verlängerten Aufbewahrungszeiten für Backups auf der sicheren Seite

Das Thema Disaster Recovery spielt beim Business Continuity Management eine entscheidende Rolle. Schließlich ist die IT-Infrastruktur mittlerweile zur Achilles-Verse von Unternehmen geworden

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‘Powering the Cloud’ definiert die Zukunft

Für jeden der verstehen wollte, wie die Data Center und deren Inhalte (Einrichtungen und IT) sich in Zukunft entwickeln um den Erwartungen der Unternehmen in Europa zu entsprechen und diese bei der Umsetzung der Geschäftsagilität zu helfen, boten die zwei Tage bei den ‚Powering the Cloud‘ Veranstaltungen in Frankfurt die ideale Gelegenheit sich zu informieren.

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AWS encryption

SafeNet, Inc. has announced key enhancements to SafeNet ProtectV that allow customers to encrypt Amazon EC2 workloads and maintain full ownership of encryption keys, with no need for on-premise hardware. SafeNet ProtectV with Virtual KeySecure is now available to run entirely on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and is compatible with AWS CloudHSM, allowing customers to retain full ownership of their encryption keys while deploying entirely in the cloud. Through the AWS Marketplace,...

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Red Hat launches initiative to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack

Red Hat, Inc. has announced a new initiative called On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack to drive enterprise adoption of OpenStack, the popular framework for building and managing private, public, and hybrid Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. Red Hat is closely collaborating with Intel on the On-Ramp to Enterprise OpenStack program, educating customers on the benefits and capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform running on Intel® Architecture and making it easier for...

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Research finds 40% of organisations have experienced a cybersecurity incident, yet 48% did not...
Report offers actionable insights for overburdened security teams.
MVISION XDR automates security investigation and response processes with actionable threat insights...
10% of organisations surveyed do not have a cybersecurity strategy, including 9% of critical...
Even though the cryptocurrency market is in a deep slump, cybercriminals are still actively hacking...
75% of organizations lack complete confidence that their security defenses will stop targeted...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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