RSA bekämpft mit Big-Data-Analysen Online-Bedrohungen in Echtzeit

RSA, die Sicherheitssparte von EMC, hat heute die neue Version 4.0 von RSA Silver Tail vorgestellt. Damit können Unternehmen Aktivitäten auf Webseiten besser darstellen und normales Nutzungsverhalten von potenziellen Angriffen unterscheiden. Sicherheitsteams differenzieren schnell zwischen Freund und Feind, spüren verdächtige Web Sessions und Gefahren durch mobile Applikationen in Echtzeit auf und können sie dann gezielt bekämpfen

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Nottingham Building Society strengthens security

Varonis has detailed how Nottingham Building Society is using Varonis DatAdvantage and DataPrivilege software to keep its critical and sensitive data secure. The Nottingham Building Society has been able to identify and assign ownership for over 90% of its information with DatAdvantage, moving on-going management responsibility to these owners and giving them the ability to easily maintain permissions for their areas with DataPrivilege. The combined power of the two products has meant...

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Cyber threat causes most concern for businesses, with US executives feeling more prepared to handle...
25% of UK employees have previously had a dispute with IT staff about the importance or frequency...
Proposed acquisition will enable "shift left" security, with Prisma Cloud further embracing the...
Palo Alto Networks has introduced Prisma™ Cloud 2.0 which includes four new cloud security...
Absolute’s resilient ZTNA solutions enable Benelux resellers to take advantage of cyber security...
1,500 per cent increase in IoT traffic through the Zscaler Cloud highlights dangerous rise in...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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