Wie Nordrhein-Westfalen die vierte industrielle Revolution verwirklicht

Nach dem IT- Gipfel der Bundesregierung 2012 Essen veranstaltet Nordrhein-Westfalen wieder den „Tag der Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft“. Zum vierten Mal bietet NRW eine Bühne für die Digitale Wirtschaft.

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Violin MemoryTM partners With FujitsuTM

Violin Memory, Inc., provider of memory-based storage systems, and Fujitsu Technology Solutions, a leading European IT infrastructure provider, have partnered to offer three Microsoft SQL data warehouse solutions certified for 20TB, 60TB and 240TB of all-flash memory. This set of certified solutions fundamentally improves the performance and scale for Microsoft SQL based data warehouse solutions.

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Bernard Matthews signs networking agreement with MDNX

MDNX says that Bernard Matthews is utilising its MPLS network across 58 sites in the UK. The network allows Bernard Matthews to use optimum connectivity for business-critical applications in its head office and across its turkey processing plants. The agreement is for three years and will allow Bernard Matthews to move to new services as and when they become available, or when network demands change.

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Spiceworks programme provides launch pad for technology startups

“Built in Spiceworks” gives startups an edge by connecting them with IT professionals from development to launch.

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Claranet puts MAM Software in the driving seat

MAM Software Ltd is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of computer systems and data software to the automotive aftermarket in Britain and Ireland. Founded in 1984, MAM Software supplies business management software, hardware, professional services and networks.

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Managing Cloud, restricted budgets, data explosion top list.
Bare metal cloud provider Bigstep debunks a number of infrastructure myths, such as more CPUs equal...
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, Databarracks (www.databarracks.com), in association...
Storage vendor welcomes Shahar Bar-Or to take the helm of product and continue growth trajectory.
GroundWork, a leading Unified Monitoring solution for IT operations management, virtualisation and...
By Jeramiah Dooley, Cloud Architect, SolidFire.
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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