Hochsee-Windparkbetreiber BARD Engineering speichert Betriebsdaten mit einer Storage-Lösung von Dell

BARD Engineering aus Emden, spezialisiert auf die Planung, Umsetzung und den Betrieb von Hochsee-Windparks, hat ein Dell Compellent Storage System mit einer Kapazität von insgesamt 120 TB implementiert

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Lotus F1 Team nimmt mit EMC Kurs auf die Weltmeisterschaft 2015

EMC und das Lotus F1 Team haben heute bekannt gegeben, dass sie eine Partnerschaft eingehen werden. Ziel ist es, die IT-Infrastruktur zu verbessern, um den Herausforderungen des neuen Formel 1 Regelwerkes gerecht zu werden. 

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Will software defined storage impact data protection/management?

‘Software Defined X’ (insert Storage, Network or Data centre as required) is the new buzz phrase in the cloud world and as usual, vendor after vendor is jumping on it. In the case of storage, you have ‘system’ vendors on one side looking to defend their proprietary stance whilst newer, software-only companies look to turn storage hardware into a commodity. For those with an interest in data management, it begs the question ‘will Software Defined Storage replace...

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Delivering Scania (Great Britain) Limited UK’s Dealer System Refresh Project

AppSense, in partnership with Ultima Business Solutions, has announced Scania (GB) Limited has adopted the AppSense User Virtualization Platform (UVP) as part of an infrastructure refresh to their UK dealer system, to increase performance management, provide a consistent end user experience for its 1,200 UK based users and extend the value of their existing Citrix XenApp infrastructure.

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Weltweit erste 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme - Infortrend EonStor DS G7i 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme mit höchstem Datendurchsatz und überragenden IOPS 

Infortrend gibt heute die Einführung der weltweit ersten 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) Storage-Lösungen bekannt. Basierend auf der preisgekrönten EonStor DS G7i Plattform bieten diese neuen Modelle Unternehmen aller Größen eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, ihre Storage-Infrastruktur zu optimieren und zukunftssicher zu planen

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There is no doubt that data management has gone through an evolutionary process, starting with a...
Acquisition supports Fujitsu Global Defence Initiative, bringing secure solutions in an ever...
Proact is supplying a new IT infrastructure to car parts manufacturer IAC Group. This solution...
IBM cloud computing, analytics, mobile, social and security technologies to power The...
Preliminary research by Ovum shows that 90 percent of organizations are at risk of becoming...
GridGain Systems is expanding its management team to keep pace with surging demand for its...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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