Setting a new standard in data centre Interconnect?

Coriant has introduced the Coriant Groove™ G30 DCI Platform, a stackable transport solution for cloud and data center networks. 

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Maria Mohr, Global Presales Sustainability Lead at Dell Technologies, and Sarwar Khan, Sustainability Director at BT, discuss the challenges and opportunities organisations face as they seek to leverage around...
Jairo Fraile, vice president of global partner sales at Sectigo, discusses the company’s recently introduced cybersecurity innovations – the CaaS subscription-based certificate management solution, which...
Ojonimi Bako, CEO and co-founder of Kaya AI, explains how, by leveraging artificial intelligence, data analytics and automation, the company streamlines procurement processes, enabling faster, more efficient,...
Omer Wilson, Chief Marketing Officer, Start Campus, outlines the company’s plans to develop a 1.2GW data centre campus in Sines, Portugal – an €8.5bn AI infrastructure-focused investment, the project...

Expert Opinions

By Hans Zachar, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Nutun.
By Alan Stewart-Brown, VP EMEA at Opengear.
A PwC study found that a career in the tech industry was a first choice for only 3% of female students and women only make up for 22% of AI professionals. With the latest wave of companies scaling back on...