The two new models inthe Tintri VMstore T600 series, T650 and T620, provide mid-sized and large enterprises with the ideal Zero Management Storage™ solutionfor virtualization and cloud. Based on the patented and award-winning Tintri FlashFirst™ design, the VMstore T600 series requires no ongoing administration to deliver optimal storage performance for as many as 2,000 virtual machines per system with sub-millisecond IO latencies. With industry-leading VM density, the new systems further reduce the time administrators spenddeploying, configuring and administeringstorage, allowing them to focus on more pressing projects.
As virtualization environments grow, scaling storage with Tintriis as simple as adding additional VMstore systems and leveraging Tintri Global Center for centralized administration, control and reporting for up to 32 VMstore systems and their resident VMs.Built on an architectural foundation capable of supporting a million VMs, theplatform allows IT to globally scale their storage for virtualization. Tintri Global Center will enable third-parties to build out a rich ecosystem over time extending the functionality of Tintri Zero Management Storage using REST APIs for automation.