Cloudreach’s co-founder and director Pontus Noren believes this commendation marks a new era for the European cloud computing industry. Pontus says: “Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing giant, and we’ve been helping companies to understand its benefits for some time now. It is, of course, a major honour to be recognised by Amazon for our work, but what’s more exciting in this announcement is that Amazon has recognised that it’s cloud native businesses like Cloudreach that provide the cloud market with true innovation.
“Cloud native businesses have the ability to react to changes in the market landscape much faster than traditional integrators with vested interests in “old” IT platforms. They can also offer greater levels of personal support and customisation.
“Amazon Web Services recognising companies like Cloudreach with Premier Partner Status shows the importance of Cloudreach’s skill set in terms of data centre migrations, data analytics and providing certified managed services on the platform. The cloud has now moved past the hype phase, and into the first step of an entirely new era for the industry – maturation. It’s no longer a case of ‘if’ businesses will be adopting cloud services. It’s now a matter of ‘when’.”