Interestingly, worries about IT topped the list amongst those that have concerns about this year, ahead of generating enough business and workforce retention. 34% of those interviewed agreed that their existing IT infrastructure would not support business growth and that a lack of IT innovation would hold back success. The ability to generate enough orders to maintain survival in 2014 was cited by a third of SMEs and concerns about staff was mentioned by 18% as an issue for this year.
“We are, at last, coming out of one of the worst recessions in living history. Over the past five years, SMEs have struggled to keep their head above water, fighting to keep their business afloat and profitable. But the tide is turning, the economy is looking up, businesses and consumers are buying again and as a result, SMEs are in a positive mood about 2014,” commented Paul Bryce, Business Development Director, Node4.
“It did come as a surprise to find that IT concerns topped the list as the biggest hurdle that SMEs will face this year. To our mind, this underlines the important role that IT will play in helping SMEs prosper in a buoyant economy. IT has gone from being a static cost-centre to a dynamic business enabler that must support the organisation at every stage of the sales cycle, overall empowering the business to grow and succeed.”