ConnectWise launches Bug Bounty Program

ConnectWise, the leading provider of intelligent software and expert services for technology solution providers (TSPs), has launched a bug bounty program to supplement its own internal vulnerability management strategy boosting efforts to quickly identify and remediate bugs and security vulnerabilities in its software. ConnectWise is partnering with HackerOne, the industry’s most trusted hacker-powered security platform, to host the program.

  • 4 years ago Posted in
A bug bounty program incentivises security research by offering monetary rewards for security vulnerabilities submitted. Accepting vulnerability reports from third parties helps organisations surface and resolve issues quickly, minimising the chance for exploitation.


The ConnectWise Bug Bounty program is private, meaning that it is open to invited hackers via the HackerOne platform. ConnectWise is committed to addressing all confirmed vulnerabilities discovered through the Bug Bounty program and will remediate and disclose issues commensurate with severity. Responsible disclosures will continue to be delivered through the ConnectWise Trust Site, which is the primary source of information on a number of security, compliance and privacy topics. It also houses ConnectWise’s security bulletins and alerts, critical patches, and updates, with the ability to subscribe to proactive notifications via an RSS Feed.


“Cyber criminals move fast, so we have to move faster. Employing a bug bounty program with the help of HackerOne, the industry leader in this space, will allow us to do just that by finding issues before bad actors get a chance to exploit them,” said Tom Greco, Director of Information Security,ConnectWise. “Crowdsourcing in this way represents a solid additional layer of security, and we clearly value the community’s expertise and participation in helping us keep our products secure. As we said earlier this year, the launch of this Bug Bounty program is yet another important addition to our security arsenal – and it’s the latest piece of our overall strategy to strengthen our own security standing so that we can better protect our partners and their SMB customers.”
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