New Axway Amplify Enterprise Marketplace helps companies open their APIs for business

Amplify Enterprise Marketplace reduces complexity and drives adoption by closing the gap between API development and API consumption.

  • 1 year ago Posted in

Axway is pleased to announce Amplify Enterprise Marketplace, a new solution to help companies drive faster adoption and monetise API products. As many businesses shift from treating APIs as a simple digital asset to marketing them as true digital products, a more universal approach is needed. The Amplify Enterprise Marketplace provides this by enabling the full productisation of APIs using a branded enterprise storefront and monetisation, and accelerates digital business success through increased consumption of both internal and external APIs.

The most successful companies treat APIs as products

According to a survey conducted by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Axway, 72% of business and IT leaders expect that digital business growth would increase if they were able to increase API adoption today, and 86% agree that the value of APIs is in their consumption and not in their existence alone.¹

“Once they’ve packaged APIs in a way that makes their business use clear with Axway Amplify Enterprise Marketplace, enterprises can expose their API products in a branded storefront and allow their growing digital services ecosystem to truly come together,” says Vince Padua, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Axway. “Marketplace closes the gap between API development and API consumption as companies package their APIs for internal and external consumption and centralise their API services.”

"Amplify Enterprise Marketplace has the potential to be a game-changer for creating value with APIs and the developer experience,” said Grégory Wolowiec, Chief Technology Officer at multinational energy company ENGIE. “Once finalised, it will bring together a curated set of our API products from across our different business units – including multiple clouds, APIM vendors, and development teams – and clarify the business value of an API product especially by allowing various monetisation models.”

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