Bestens versorgt: Marianne-Strauß-Klinik optimiert ITInfrastruktur - Neues Netzwerk im Zuge einer Server-Virtualisierung und zusätzliche Ausfallsicherheit mit gleichzeitiger Steigerung der Performance

Seit 20 Jahren versorgen die Marianne-Strauß-Klinik und das Behandlungszentrum Kempfenhausen Patienten mit Erfahrung und Fachwissen in der Diagnostik, Behandlung und Therapie von Multipler Sklerose. Mit vier Einrichtungen und einem Team qualifizierter Spezialisten ist das Behandlungszentrum Kempfenhausen für Multiple Sklerose das einzige MSZentrum in Bayern, das Patienten eine ganzheitliche Therapie in jedem Stadium der Krankheit bietet

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Red Hat Delivers enterprise-grade Open Software-defined Storage Solutions

New release of Red Hat Storage Server now fully supports OpenStack, raises the bar in performance, scalability and manageability.

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Infortrend bolsters EonNAS 3000 lineup

Infortrend® has announced the launch of its new dual redundant controller unified storage system, the EonNAS 3016RT, which is designed with the capability to not only meet SMB and enterprise needs for total failover but also to provide the highest data availability in the industry. The new array offers features such as Global Namespace for streamlined storage management, flexible capacity, SSD cache pool, and rock-solid data protection. As a result, the EonNAS 3016RT provides high ROI for...

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Quantum hat die Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal des Finanzjahres 2014 (FQ3?14), das am 31....
Pure Storage has announced the availability of a new Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) for VMware...
The latest in a series of partners to sign up since Gridstore’s EMEA launch last month.
Mismanagement of millions of cryptographic keys and digital certificates threatens security and...
Delphix and Pure Storage have announced the results of a benchmark test run on their combined...
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PowerEdge Customer Profile: Automating ITaaS for a Banking Leader

This customer profile shows how Dell EMC PowerEdge servers help Societe Generale automate IT as a Service to drive innovation and decrease deployment times for internal clients.

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